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Join date: Apr 29, 2019


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Oh hi! Welcome!!

Nice to see you here!

Let me introduce myself: My name is Bianca and I live in Germany.

I re-started sewing after a pause of about 20 years. Last time I had sewn clothes was during university, when I did a little cosplaying. Now I am in my late forties and discover the joy of making my own clothes - and the frustration with the fails... :D

I am very grateful for all the advice, insight and experience shared on this site.

So I will try to humbly share the experiments and experience of my meek sewing attempts and hope for a lively and friendly interchange of ideas and opinions.

I always loved the lagenlook and a kind of playful Mary-Poppins-Style but during my younger years I was too much of a unsure but dedicated follower of fashion to allow myself to confidently create my own style. After having worn boring trousers and stuffy suits for too many years I feel that I crave for feminine yet comfy and unfussy dresses. Browsing for stuff on the internet I eventually found Tina Givens and was instantly in love with her designs.

So here I am: to sew, to learn, to share, to meet you and to admire your beautiful work, dear fellow sewist :)

Obviously, I am no native English speaker, so please bear with me regardless of poor phrasing and even poorer grammar...


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